
January 2019

Green Energy

Eco-Friendliness Tips for New Businesses

Starting a new business is exciting, especially with the market being as lively as it is today. There are plenty of opportunities to seize on the market, but there are a few things you want to get right in order to get the business off the ground.

One of the things you want to do from the start is making sure that the business and its operations are friendly to the environment. Rather than making big changes later, starting an eco-friendly business is always the way to go.

There is a lot you can do to make sure your business is friendly to the environment from the start. We are going to discuss the best tips you can use as you start a new business in this article.

A Digital Workflow

For the business operations to run smoothly, you need to have clear workflows properly established. This usually means researching the common workflows used by businesses in your industry and adapting those workflows accordingly.

Make sure you create a workflow that is friendly to the environment from the start. Instead of using paper documents for reports, files, and other purposes, for example, you can turn to a cloud-based document management system from the start.

Go Local

Almost everything you need to get the business up and running can be sourced locally. The furniture you add to your office can be acquired from a local supplier that uses repurposed materials. The same can be said for other items, including stationery and other office supplies.

Sourcing equipment and supplies locally is one way to reduce the carbon footprint of your business. At the very least, you are eliminating the need to ship goods from distant suppliers while helping local businesses grow alongside your new venture.

Push It a Step Further

You can also take eco-friendliness to the next level by using only renewable resources. Limit the use of plastics and materials that are not biodegradable. Equip the building you use with solar panels and start generating your own electricity.

Even better, you can choose to be very efficient with your energy and water consumption. Using LED lights, energy-efficient computers and appliances, and sticking with business equipment that has good energy ratings are small steps with big impacts.

Eco-Friendly Products

According to studies compiled by Michael A. Peck MAPA, the leading provider of business services, customers are happier with products designed to be eco-friendly. This means investing in eco-friendly packaging, making sure that every part of your product is recyclable, and going the extra mile.

Eco-friendly products also gain more exposure and have the ability to generate higher customer loyalty. More and more customers are aware of the importance of keeping the environment safe. When you take the environment at its present state into account, designing products that are friendly to the environment is definitely a necessity rather than an option.

These simple steps are easy to take, but they help make your business friendly to the environment from the start. With an eco-friendly venture running, improving your business processes and staying eco-friendly is easier to do.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment aims to provide a detailed understanding of the environmental condition of the property to facilitate informed decision-making for property transactions or developments.

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